heel pain

10 tips and tricks that will help you keep heel pain at bay!


Our heels serve as the sole spot that establishes a contact patch with the surface that we are walking on, and while they are some of the sturdiest parts of our bodies, they do experience pain and agonies from time to time. We’ve all faced heel pain issues at some point or the other in our lifetimes, and while they don’t call for hospitalization in most cases, they can limit our movement and productivity massively.

In this blog, we will be taking a look at some of the main culprits that can cause heel pain, some of the potential heel pain treatment methodologies there are, and ultimately, explore 10 tips and tricks that would help you achieve long-term heel pain relief, and that too in a side-effect free manner. So, let’s get started.

Prominent causes of heel pain.

Heel pain isn’t a sole medical condition in itself, but rather an outcome that can be caused by a wide plethora of lifestyle issues and mishaps. Some of the most common heel ache causes that we encounter are as follows:

  • Over-exertion is one of the most common factors that we witness resulting in heel aches in humans, especially in individuals who have transcended their physical phase of growth.
  • Heavy exercises or repeated shocks can result in heel aches as well, but these types of pain are mostly temporary in nature, and more often than not, heal on their own without external influence.
  • Accidents have proven to be a major cause of heel aches as well. While human heels are incredibly sturdy and dense, sudden crashes and impacts are capable of ripping them apart. In certain cases, medical intervention may be needed to remedy this type of injury.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a medical condition that may result in intense heel pain, and while such pain is caused by isolated factors, the root cause must be remedied to ease the pain and agonies that are being experienced.

Besides the aforementioned causes, there can be other factors and causes as well, but as far as priorities go, these are at the very top of the list. Now, let us explore some of the primary medical solutions that can deliver rapid but temporary heel pain relief.

OTC medications- According to doctors and therapists, OTC medicines like painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines can be employed to deal with this heel pain.

Surgery- In certain extreme accidental cases, your doctor may suggest you go for surgery to mend the heel. This form of heel pain treatment can remedy the issues massively.

Besides the aforementioned duo, there are numerous lifestyle changes that you can incorporate into your daily routines, ones that would help you gain effective, long-term heel pain relief in this day and age. As you’ve already witnessed, co-morbidities and diseases like rheumatoid arthritis aren’t the most common causes, but lifestyle factors are, so remedying them can certainly help.

Lifestyle changes that can really make a difference.

Making certain changes to our lives can help us deal with heel aches effectively, so here are 10 steps that can really assist you in dealing with this scourge.

  • Try to use good shoes that fit properly. Tight shoes with hard soles, or stilettos for that manner, can really aggravate heel aches.
  • If you are someone who engages in a lot of physical activities like running, jumping, lifting, etc. you would want to use orthotics as well. A bad posture can turn out to be a contributing factor to heel pains, and these implements can help remedy such posture issues.
  • Warming up properly before hitting the track or gym can help mitigate the instances and issues of heel aches.
  • A healthy diet is one of the main defences that you can place against heel issues. Conventionally, a diet that’s rich in calcium and proteins can help you stem the onset of such pains.
  • In certain cases, you may possess an inherent weakness in the muscles of your feet, and such wrong postures can give rise to heel aches. Proper exercise can help you develop such muscle strength that would help you avoid heel pain.
  • Dehydration can turn out to be a potential cause of heel aches, so drinking the requisite amount of water can help deal with this cause effectively.
  • Being obese or overweight increases the overall pressure that is being exerted on the heel bones, and although they are highly sturdy, such rigours can cause a certain degree of pain and discomfort. Try to keep your weight within a specific BMI range to avoid these issues.
  • While walking on a regular basis is a good thing, excessive walking can prove to have detrimental effects on one’s overall health and well-being. Try to keep long walks within sensible limits until and unless necessary.
  • Ingrown toenails can be quite a painful occurrence to deal with. Always try to trim your nails straight across, something that will avoid curved nail shapes.
  • If you are experiencing constant pain, consulting a podiatrist should help you get over the issues. While not critical in each and every situation, a visit to the doctor can sometimes help with heel pain treatment.

Final take:

Heel pain treatment and relief don’t have to be a complex and expensive process, and the aforementioned steps would help you understand that. Facing heel-related issues? Consult a top podiatrist today.

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